LOGAN LUCKY Is A Lucky Charm For Heist Genre

CAST: Channing Tatum, Adam Driver, Daniel Craig, Seth MacFarlane, Riley Keough, Katie Holmes, Katherine Waterston, Dwight Yoakam, Sebastian Stan and Hilary Swank

DIRECTION: Steven Soderbergh

GENRE: Comedy

Rating: 4/5

Heist movies we have seen them all, most likely the Ocean's film of Soderbergh. All these have stereotypes character and a plot that is predictable make feel us dumb at the end of the movie. Soderbergh takes on his favorite in the funniest way possible.

The story is set in West Virginia with characters that are silly and mediocre. Jimmy Logan (Channing Tatum) is working in the mine, taking care of daughter, and fighting with ex-wife Bobbie Jo (Katie Holmes). His brother Clyde (Adam Driver) has his own problem to deal with; the man lost his arm to a roadside bomb in Iraq and now works at a  local bar as a bartender.

The jailbreak sequence is quite hilarious with inmates having a conversation with Warden about Game Of Thrones. Joe Bang (Daniel Craig) is a blue eyed robber who knows how to bang up to things with his scientific explosive DIY style. Some scenes just crack you up, like Joe explaining the scientific formula of the handmade explosive while they are on the mission.

 After the heist, the boys go back to their lives. The FBI (Hillary Swank) come investigating about but can’t prove anything. The film’s pivotal scene happens almost casually, a throwaway bit of dialogue that only rankles afterward. Nothing is revolutionary about this film, but surely it's not one of those mediocre big budgets Hollywood flick which ends up making you feel cheated with the same formulated sequence in the plot.


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